====== TeemIP change log ======
This chapter lists the cumulative changes that took place during TeemIP history. :-P identifies new extensions for the TeemIP world.
===== 3.2.x =====
==== 3.2.1 ====
TeemIP 3.2.1 standalone supports all the new features brought by **iTop 3.2.0-2** and bugs that have been corrected within that revision. You may refer to iTop's hub to learn [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_2_0:release:whats_new | what's new in iTop 3.2]] and consult iTop's [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_2_0:release:change_log#section320 | change log]] for further details.
* **Download links**
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20a%20standalone%20application/3.2.1/TeemIP-3.2.1-2412.zip/download|here]] for the standalone version.
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20an%20iTop%20module/3.2.1/teemip-core-ip-mgmt-3.2.1-813.zip/download|here]] for the module one.
* **Additional iTop extensions** :-P
* TeemIp standalone now includes by default the following public extension from Super-Visions:
* [[https://github.com/Super-Visions/sv-display-mgmt | Display Management]],
* **General**
* Filtered badges correctly behave when used in auto refresh pages
* Newsroom provider: TeemIp name has been changed into TeemIp Headlines
* **IP Blocks**
* Delegated blocks can be folded and unfolded in tree views,
* % free space is graphically displayed in listed spaces
* **IP Subnets**
* SF [[https://sourceforge.net/p/teemip/tickets/154/|#154]] Error when removing gateway IP from subnet
* **CMDB**
* Ranges of AS numbers can be documented
* Export of lnkIPInterfaceToIPAddress class has been fixed
* **Cable Management**
* PR [[https://github.com/TeemIp/teemip-cable-mgmt/issues/6|#6]] - Can't create second direct cable connection between two devices
* Breakout cable: edit the n:n relations with PatchPanels while on display and not on edition anymore
* Breakout cable: improve automation functions
* **Network Management Extended**
* Transform Aggregate Link class into IPInterface child class
* VRFs and VLANs can be attached to Aggregates
* Obsolete status has been added to Cluster Networks
* Add source and destination IPs to Network Flows
==== 3.2.0 ====
TeemIP 3.2.0 standalone supports all the new features brought by **iTop 3.2.0** and bugs that have been corrected within that revision. You may refer to iTop's hub to learn [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_2_0:release:whats_new | what's new in iTop 3.2]] and consult iTop's [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_2_0:release:change_log#section320 | change log]] for further details.
* **Download links**
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20a%20standalone%20application/3.2.0/TeemIP-3.2.0-2408.zip/download|here]] for the standalone version.
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20an%20iTop%20module/3.2.0/teemip-core-ip-mgmt-3.2.0-812.zip/download|here]] for the module one.
* **General**
* Maintenance work has been done on the TeemIp core module and all TeemIp extensions to comply with iTop 3.2 coding standards,
* PHP 8.3 is now supported globally by TeemIp.
* The IP Discovery Data Model extension brings the new status 'discovered' to the IPObject class.
* **IP Blocks**
* New menus are available from the detailed display of a Block to jump to the previous or next Block.
* **IP Subnets**
* New menus are available from the detailed display of a Subnet to jump to the previous or next Subnet,
* PR [[https://github.com/TeemIp/teemip-core-ip-mgmt/pull/32|#32]] - feat: Allow to change gateway IP format after subnet creation
* **IP Ranges**
* New menus are available from the detailed display of a Range to jump to the previous or next Range.
* **IP Addresses**
* The new configuration parameter "Detach released IPs from CIs" allows you to leave released IPs attached to their device, if any.
* **CMDB**
* Criticiy of CIs brought by TeemIp is now displayed,
* Obsolescence criteria have been removed on interfaces so that active and inactive interfaces are both visible,
* **Cable Management**
* A Patch Panel can be mounted in an enclosure,
* Network Sockets can be automatically created for a given Patch Panel,
* Back End Cables can be automatically created between the sockets of 2 Patch Panels,
* Number of free & ready Network Sockets in Patch Panels are displayed,
* Cross Connects and Breakout Cables are now modelized,
* Wiring paths can be proposed to connect the 2 Patch Panels of a Cross Connect,
* Documents can be attached to Network.
* **Zone Management**
* Long TXT records are supported,
* Audits have been grouped under the “DNS management” audit domain,
* DNS Views are taken into consideration when duplicate IPs are checked,
* Data samples have been added,
* Zone serial # can be increased following 3 methods.
* **IP Discovery**
* Adds the item 'discovered' to the status list of IPObject class.
* **Network Management Extended**
* Add a logo attribute to the Brand typology,
* Add a picture attribute to the Model typology,
* Add bandwidth, next to capacity, to Network Flows .
===== 3.1.x =====
TeemIP 3.1.x extensions are **not** compatible with iTop 2.x anymore but **only with iTop 3.x**
==== 3.1.4 ====
TeemIP 3.1.4 standalone supports all the new features brought by **iTop 3.1.1-1** and bugs that have been corrected within that revision. You may refer to iTop's hub to learn [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:whats_new | what's new in iTop 3.1]] and consult iTop's [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:change_log#section311 | change log]] for further details.
* **Download links**
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20a%20standalone%20application/3.1.4/TeemIP-3.1.4-2312.zip/download|here]] for the standalone version.
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20an%20iTop%20module/3.1.4/teemip-core-ip-mgmt-3.1.4-811.zip/download|here]] for the module one.
* **TeemIP Bug Correction**
* PR [[https://github.com/TeemIp/teemip-core-ip-mgmt/pull/29|#29]] - Restore iTop 3.0 compatibility for VirtualMachine presentation
* **General**
* Global IP Settings menu is accessible to non admins
* The whole application has been translated into Chinese (simplified)
* Background task are not processed anymore when their activity status is just checked
* **Cable Management**
* A new Direct Cable class enables the connection between 2 physical interfaces together
* The direct connection of 2 CIs is visible in the wiring diagram
* Audit rules have been enhanced
* Data samples have been added
* Objects brought by the extension have their summary card
* **Network Management Extended**
* Data samples have been added
==== 3.1.3 ====
TeemIP 3.1.3 standalone supports all the new features brought by **iTop 3.1.0-3** and bugs that have been corrected within that revision. You may refer to iTop's hub to learn [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:whats_new | what's new in iTop 3.1]] and consult iTop's [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:change_log#section310 | change log]] for further details.
* **Download links**
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20a%20standalone%20application/3.1.3/TeemIP-3.1.3-2311.zip/download|here]] for the standalone version.
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20an%20iTop%20module/3.1.3/teemip-core-ip-mgmt-3.1.3-810.zip/download|here]] for the module one.
* **TeemIP Bug Correction**
* PR [[https://github.com/TeemIp/teemip-core-ip-mgmt/pull/26|#26]] - Update VirtualMachine summary card
* PR [[https://github.com/TeemIp/teemip-core-ip-mgmt/pull/24|#24]] - Fix auto unassigns of IP with no CIs
* Review layout of IP's CIs tab
* **New Graphical Charter**
* A little blue aint will now figure the TeemIP world (note the capital P in TeemIP, now) {{ extensions:teemip-logo.png }}
==== 3.1.2 ====
TeemIp 3.1.2 standalone supports all the new features brought by **iTop 3.1.0-3** and bugs that have been corrected within that revision. You may refer to iTop's hub to learn [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:whats_new | what's new in iTop 3.1]] and consult iTop's [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:change_log#section310 | change log]] for further details.
* **Download links**
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20a%20standalone%20application/3.1.2/TeemIp-3.1.2-2309.zip/download|here]] for the standalone version.
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20an%20iTop%20module/3.1.2/teemip-core-ip-mgmt-3.1.2-809.zip/download|here]] for the module one.
* **TeemIp Bug Correction**
* PR [[https://github.com/TeemIp/teemip-core-ip-mgmt/pull/23|#23]] - Fix SQL column expression for AttributeIPv6Address
* PR [[https://github.com/TeemIp/teemip-core-ip-mgmt/pull/20|#20]] - Add subnet_ip to IPv6Address and IPv6Range
* PR [[https://github.com/TeemIp/teemip-core-ip-mgmt/pull/19|#19]] - Better UUID generation
* Composer was missing in the teemip-newsroom-provider module
* Network Typology menu is now handled by TeemIp core
* **Network Management Extended**
* Add a “replacement date” attribute to Network Devices and Cluster Networks
* Add Network Flow class with flaw drawing
* Add SNMP Credentials class
==== 3.1.0-1 ====
TeemIp 3.1.0-1 should have been named 3.1.1... but well, it was too late too change. The standalone version supports all the new features brought by **iTop 3.1.0-2** and bugs that have been corrected within that revision. You may refer to iTop's hub to learn [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:whats_new | what's new in iTop 3.1]] and consult iTop's [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:change_log#section310 | change log]] for further details.
* **Download links**
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20a%20standalone%20application/3.1.0-1/TeemIp-3.1.0-1-2308.zip/download|here]] for the standalone version.
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20an%20iTop%20module/3.1.0-1/teemip-core-ip-mgmt-3.1.0-807.zip/download|here]] for the module one.
* **TeemIp Bug Correction**
* Creation of a new DNS Domain or Zone was generating a fatal error
==== 3.1.0 ====
Next to its own new features and enhancements, TeemIp 3.1.0 supports all the [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:whats_new|new features]] brought by **iTop 3.1** and [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_1_0:release:change_log#section310 | bugs]] that have been corrected within **iTop 3.1.0**. TeemIp 3.1.0 standalone relies on iTop tag 3.1.0-1 dated **July 2023**.
* **Download links**
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20a%20standalone%20application/3.1.0/TeemIp-3.1.0-2307.zip/download|here]] for the standalone version.
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20an%20iTop%20module/3.1.0/teemip-core-ip-mgmt-3.1.0-806.zip/download|here]] for the module one.
* **Additional iTop extensions** :-P
* TeemIp standalone now includes by default the following public extensions from Combodo:
* [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=extensions:itop-synchro-dashboard | Data synchronization dashboard]],
* [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=extensions:combodo-workflow-graphical-view | Workflow graphical view]],
* **Cable Management** :-P
* This new extension allows you to document the cable layouts of your organization.
* Connect physical interfaces to wall mounted network sockets or to patch panels hosted in racks, document your patch cables: the extension enables a large scope of connection scenarios.
* Patch panels can be managed in racks through [[https://store.itophub.io/en_US/products/molkobain-datacenter-view-extended|Molkobain Datacenter view extended]]
* Full documentation of Cable Management is available [[extensions:teemip-cable-mgmt|here]] on this wiki.
* **General**
* Welcome menu has been reviewed for a better "IPAM and Network Management" focus.
* Network related classes have been grouped in a "Network" menu, as a sub menu to the Configuration Management overview.
* Name and status of some key TeemIp objects are now highlighted thanks to iTop 3.x new capabilities.
* Overwriting of default IP Config parameters through the standard configuration file is now possible. See [[2_x:datamodel:ip-settings|how]].
* Summary cards and complementary attributes have been added to key classes.
* **IP Addresses**
* New menus are available from the detailed display of an Address to jump to the previous or next Address.
* IPv6 addresses can now be imported through CSV and synchronized through collectors.
* An IP can now be shared by multiple CIs. This behaviour is controlled by a configuration parameter.
* IP to IP links can be duplicated in order to properly document PAT.
* **CMDB**
* Tagged / Untagged flag can be set on a VLAN port, i.e. on the relation between an IP Interface and a VLAN.
* Attribute org_id has been added to interfaces as an external field of the device that they point to.
* For devices hosting interfaces, interfaces and IP addresses can be seen together in a specific tab.
* **Zone Management**
* New records have been added: CAA, DS, OPENPGPKEY, SSHFP, TLSA as well as a generic record to accommodate other records.
* Resource records attached to IPs may be automatically deleted when the IP become obsolete (released or unassigned, for instance).
* A new dedicated background task, controlled be configuration parameters, may handle regular cleanup of such records.
* Authoritative DNS servers can now be Application Solutions, Network Devices and Network Clusters next to Servers and Virtual Machines.
* **IP Requests**
* Markup HTML has been added on key attributes
===== 3.0.x =====
==== 3.0.2 ====
TeemIp 3.0.2 standalone supports all the new features brought by **iTop 3.0.3** and bugs that have been corrected within that revision. You may refer to iTop's hub to learn [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_0_0:release:3_0_whats_new | what's new in iTop 3.0]] and consult iTop's [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_0_0:release:change_log | change log]] for further details.
* **Download links**
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20a%20standalone%20application/3.0.2/TeemIp-3.0.2-2304.zip/download|here]] for the standalone version.
* No new 3.0.2 revision has been created for TeemIp's modules.
==== 3.0.1 ====
Next to its own new features and enhancements, TeemIp 3.0.1 supports all the [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_0_0%3Arelease%3A3_0_whats_new|new features]] brought by **iTop 3.0** and [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_0_0%3Arelease%3Achange_log#section302|bugs]] that have been corrected within **iTop 3.0.1** and **3.0.2**. TeemIp 3.0.1 standalone relies on iTop tag 3.0.2 dated **August 2022**.
* **Download links**
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20a%20standalone%20application/3.0.1/TeemIp-3.0.1-2209.zip/download|here]] for the standalone version.
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/teemip/files/teemip%20-%20an%20iTop%20module/3.0.1/teemip-core-ip-mgmt-3.0.1-804.zip/download|here]] for the module one.
* **Additional iTop extensions** :-P
* TeemIp standalone now includes by default the following public extensions from Combodo:
* [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=extensions%3Acombodo-webhook-integration | Webhook integrations]],
* [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=latest%3Aadmin%3Aoauth | Emails with OAuth]],
* **General**
* TeemIp 3.0.1 module is still compatible with iTop 2.7.x.
* Icons have been aligned to 3.x standard.
* A new filtered dashlet is available within TeemIp
* IP thresholds are now computed through a background task
* **DHCP Management**
* DHCP servers can now be servers, virtual machines, NAS or Network Devices.
* New filtered dashlet is used to provide a direct access to DHCP Servers and IP Ranges.
* **Zone Management**
* Classless delegation is now supported
* New filtered dashlet is used to provide a better overview of the name space.
* Audit rules have been embedded to help Hostmasters to keep coherent data.
* **IP Discovery**
* Report number of discovered IPs at subnet level
* Allow DHCP ranges to be skipped during discovery
* Explode FQDN of discovered IPs into short name and domain name
==== 3.0.0 ====
In alignement with **iTop 3.0.0** major release (documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=3_0_0%3Arelease%3A3_0_whats_new | here]]), TeemIp has been significantly enhanced. On top of benefiting from the new iTop look and feel, TeemIp 3.0.0 brings some new features of its own and corrects a number of bugs. TeemIp 3.0.0 standalone relies on iTop tag 3.0.0 dated **December 2021**.
* **General**
* TeemIp 3.0.0 is now aligned with the new iTop 3.x framework.
* At the same time, modernization has been brought to the code for better readability and robustness
* TeemIp 3.0.0 module is compatible with iTop 2.7.x
* **IP Objects**
* All IP Objects have now an external key toward the IP Config that corresponds to their organisation. This is to allow users to override configuration parameters, that are organization wide, when a single IP Object is created over the UI. **Beware**, this have an impact on object creation by csv import or collector !
* **Subnet blocks**
* The Type attribute is no longer a string but a external key toward a new "IP Block Type" typology object.
* **IP Addresses**
* New menus available from Subnets, Ranges and IP addresses allow you to automatically convert the FQDN that have been discovered through a Lookup into a short name and a domain name.
* The control of duplicate names offer a 3rd option next to "allow" and "disable": "Dual stack". With such configuration, the same name can be shared between unique IPv4 address and a unique Ipv6 one.
* Checks done through the IP allocation mechanism have been enhanced.
* Configuration parameters allow you to change the regex used to control the HostNames and Aliases attributes.
* **CMDB**
* IPs of clusters are now correctly managed.
* **MAC address lookup**
* The extension has been fully rewritten with new iTop TWIG factory.
===== 2.7.x =====
==== 2.7.1 ====
Next to its own new features and enhancements, TeemIp 2.7.1 supports all the new features brought by **iTop 2.7** and bugs that have been corrected within iTop **2.7.4**. iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=2_7_0%3Arelease%3A2_7_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.7.1 standalone relies on iTop tag 2.7.4 dated **March 2021**.
* **Additional iTop extensions** :-P
* TeemIp standalone now includes by default 3 public extensions from Combodo:
* [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=extensions%3Acombodo-menu-filter | Menu Finder]],
* [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=extensions%3Aemail_reply | Send updates by email]], known as well as email-reply,
* [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=extensions%3Aitop-object-copier | User actions configurator]], known as well as itop-object-copier.
* **Subnet blocks**
* Controls at creation time have been enhanced.
* Within the tab that lists the child blocks, it is now possible to display the direct children only or the whole child blocks hierarchy.
* **Subnets**
* Display of subnets and blocks tree list items in the right order.
* Value of parameters controlling the subnet creation are now recorded when subnet is registered. This insures that subnet modifications are coherent with what had been decided at creation time.
* **IP Addresses**
* When listed, IPv6 are correctly sorted. Finally !
* FQDN associated to IPs consists in the concatenation of IP's short name and domain name, even if these are empty. This behaviour is controlled by a new parameter.
* **IP Tools**
* A new IP Tool called "Find Space" looks for IP space anywhere in the IPv4 or IPv6 space of an organization. It extends the feature that was available within blocks only and allows you to directly create subnet blocks or subnets.
* Already used IP space is displayed when space is proposed, for a better understanding of the situation.
* **CMDB**
* DHCP servers can now be servers or virtual machines.
* **Extended Network Management**
* Sample data have been added to the extension.
* VLAN model has been enhanced with new attributes. Tag is now an integer: beware when migrating !
* **DNS Zones**
* Allow @ in Resource Records associated to IPs with an empty short name.
* Wildcards can be set on Resource Records.
* Addresses like claude.monet@demo.com are handled in SOA records.
* Authoritative servers can now be servers or virtual machines.
* Details screen of a subnet displays a tab listing Resource Records associated to all subnet IPs.
* **IP Requests**
* Get your IPs and subnets on the fly:
* New requests may be automatically processed according to the profile of the requester and the informations provided within the ticket.
* Feature may be deactivated block by block (for subnet creation) or subnet by subnet (for IP creation).
* On the portal, new tab displays recent tickets in the list of ongoing requests.
==== 2.7.0 ====
Next to its own new features and enhancements, TeemIp 2.7.0 supports all the new features brought by **iTop 2.7** and bugs that have been corrected within **iTop 2.7.3**. iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=2_7_0%3Arelease%3A2_7_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.7.0 standalone relies on iTop tag 2.7.3 dated **December 2020**.
* **MAC address lookup** :-P
* This new extension allows CMDB managers to find details on MAC addresses' vendors from a generic menu or directly from a CI for its own MAC address(es).
* Full documentation of MAC address lookup is available [[extensions:teemip-macaddress-lookup|here]] on this wiki.
* **[[https://www.molkobain.com/ | Molkobain]] nice and valuable extensions** :-P
* [[https://github.com/Molkobain/itop-datacenter-view | Molkobain Datacenter View]]: Easily manage & visualize your racks, enclosures and datacenter devices.
* [[https://github.com/Molkobain/itop-console-tooltips | Molkobain Console Tooltips]]: Display a tooltip on object's attributes (console only). A ? is added next to the attribute's label to indicate that a description is available for an attribute.
* [[https://github.com/Molkobain/itop-caselogs-toggler | Molkobain Caselogs Toggler]]: Have a better user experience with caselogs by being able to open / close all entries at once.
* **CMDB / Network management**
* A new type of interface has been created: virtual interfaces for network device.
* Non abstract Network Interface classes (Physical Interface, Logical Interface, Network Device Virtual Interface...) do carry a status now which is summarized as an operational status at the Network Interface level.
* **Extended Network Management** :-P
* Enrich network interfaces with new typology elements: connector, speed and layer 2 protocol.
* Enable the grouping of physical network interfaces between CIs through aggregate links.
* Better document network devices with network device components
* Cluster networks allow you to document your network stacks
* Full documentation of Extended Network Management is available [[extensions:teemip-network-mgmt-extended|here]] on this wiki.
* **Subnet blocks**
* Internet Providers can now manage the blocks that have been handed to them by the Regional Internet Registries and can easily delegate parts of them to their own customers.
* **IP Ranges**
* DHCP servers can now be attached to DHCP ranges
* **IP Addresses**
* Ping at creation is deactivated when address is created from a data synchronisation.
* An IP cannot be attached / detached to / from a CI when CI's attribute is R/O or managed by a data synchronisation.
* Interfaces and CIs are automatically detached from IPs when these are released.
* Optionaly, IPs may be automatically released from CIs that become obsolete.
* Optionaly, IPs may be un-allocated if these are not attached to a CI.
===== 2.6.x =====
==== 2.6.1 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.6.1 supports all the new features brought by **iTop 2.7** and bugs that have been corrected within **iTop 2.7**. iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=2_7_0%3Arelease%3A2_7_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.6.1 standalone relies on iTop tag 2.7.0-2 dated **May 2020**.
* **IP Objects**
* Allocation and release dates are now managed at the IPObject class level.
* **Subnets**
* When a subnet is released, all its IPs may be released as well. This optional behavior is driven by a new configuration parameter.
* **IP Addresses**
* The way IPv6 addresses are stored in the data base and the way these are displayed have been conpletely reviewed. This corrects a recent regression that obliged you to use canonical form when setting an external key toward an IPv6. A migration process included in the IPv6 module is automatically triggered at installation / update time.
* **CMDB**
* Logical Interfaces display in a tab their associated VLANs and VRFs
* **Profiles**
* XML definition of TeemIp's profiles was not compatible with iTop 2.7 compiler which resulted in a loss of rights for these profiles. This has been corrected and TeemIp profiles recovered their standard rights.
==== 2.6.0 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.6.0 supports all the new features brought by **iTop 2.7** and bugs that have been corrected within **iTop 2.7**. iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=2_7_0%3Arelease%3A2_7_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.6.0 standalone relies on iTop tag 2.7.0-1 dated **April 2020**.
* **TeemIp newsroom** :-P
* Administrators have now access to TeemIP dedicated Newsroom where short messages related to the project will be displayed by the TeemIp's team.
* **DHCP Management** :-P
* TeemIp now offers you the possibility to manage the DHCP options used by your DHCP servers
* Manage standard ISC options: Global, Shared-network, Subnet, Pool, Class, Sub-class, Host,
* Link them to IP and CMDB objects,
* Export DHCP options through TeemIp web services,
* Full documentation of TeemIp DHCP Management is available [[extensions:teemip-dhcp-mgmt|here]] on this wiki.
* **Subnet blocks**
* At creation, parent block is automatically computed.
* A bug was preventing a new block to be inserted within a block tree. This has been corrected.
* **Subnets**
* At creation, parent block is automatically computed for subnets as well.
* A dashboard attribute that provides, by defaults, statistics on subnet's IPs has been added to the subnet's details page. Every user can adapt it to its needs, like any other dashboard.
* Subnets can be NATed and a configuration option enables automatic symmetrical NAT.
* **IP Addresses**
* Thanks to improvements made to iTop's APIs, attachement & release of IPs to CI is now fully automatic when an IP is attached to a CI or when this IP changes.
* Short name computation is now done through a method defined in XML at the FunctionalCI level and can, therefore, be customized to meet everyone's need for each class of CI.
* Port and protocol informations have been added to the NAT relations
* Automatic symmetrical NAT is disabled by default
* **IP Tools**
* A new shorcut has been created under the IP management menu to group IP related tools. An enhanced subnet calculator has been set there. More tools will follow.
* **CMDB**
* A MAC address attribute has been added to all datacenter devices and to all end-user devices.
* On Hypervisor's details page, a tab lists all IPs carried by the network interfaces of the associated server.
* Logical interfaces can now be attached to a VLAN.
* On VLAN's detailed display, a tab lists all IPs attached to the interfaces associated to the VLAN.
* **Profiles**
* New profiles have been created: Admin tools, Audit, Notifications, Query and User Managers
* **Portal**
* TeemIp's portal has been adapted to follow iTop's 2.7 evolutions in that area.
* **Administration**
* Administrators have now access to a news room where key informations on TeemIp's project will be given.
* Admin tools menu has been split in 3 menus: Administration, Configuration and System. New profiles have been created to access these menus.
* Global IP Settings has moved under the new Configuration menu, next to TeemIp's general configuration menu.
* **Miscellaneous**
* Method GetBlockSize associated to Subnet Blocks has been deprecated. It must be replaced by GetSize
===== 2.5.x =====
==== 2.5.1 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.5.1 supports all the new features brought by iTop 2.6 and bugs that have been corrected within iTop 2.6.
iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=LATEST%3Arelease%3A2_6_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.5.1 standalone relies on iTop branch 2.6 as per **2019, December 10**.
* **IP Discovery**
* Even when attached to an IP Discovery application, a subnet can be removed from the discovery process.
* Interaction with zone management module has been improved.
* **Subnet blocks**
* Global configuration parameters, like size or CIDR alignment, can be disabled at creation time
* **Subnets**
* Global configuration parameters can be disabled at creation time
* **IP Addresses**
* Related CIs are displayed even if these are obsolete.
* When an IP is released, it is automatically removed from all the CIs and interfaces it is allocated to.
* Ping command on assignement has been improved for a better handling of Windows environments.
* Global configuration parameters, like ping or name uniqueness, can be disabled at creation time
* **DNS Zones**
* DNS records can be created, updated or cleared at once for a whole subnet.
* @ is now a valid character for the name of resource records.
* Authoritative DNS servers for a zone can be documented.
* **DNS Domains**
* Within the tab that lists the hosts attached to a domain, it is now possible to filter the hosts that are directly attached to the domain and the ones that belong to child domains only.
* **Profiles**
* Name of TeemIp's "Helpdesk agent" has been changed to "IP Helpdesk agent".
* Name of TeemIp's "Portal user" has been renamed to "IP Portal user".
* "Guest" profile has been denied access to all Ticket classes.
* **IP Requests**
* IP update was generating an error when domain was changed. This has been corrected.
* When released, an IP is automatically detached from the CIs it was allocated to.
* **Portal**
* Legacy portal is no more supported.
* TeemIp portal now correctly implements iDBObjectURLMaker.
* **Miscellaneous**
* Handling of lists within object tabs has been corrected: DisplaySet have been replaced by DisplayBlocks.
==== 2.5.0 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.5.0 supports all the new features brought by iTop 2.6 and bugs that have been corrected within iTop 2.6.
iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=LATEST%3Arelease%3A2_6_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.5.0 standalone relies on iTop branch 2.6 as per **2019, September 24**.
* **Subnet blocks**
* Direct delegation when a block is created is now forbiden. Delegation can only be done through the "Delegate" action.
* OQL that filters parent organizations is coherent with the fact that a block can be delegated to a grand child organization.
* **IP Addresses**
* Modelization of NATed IPs have been redesigned. Instead of having only one lnkIPAddressToIPAdress instanciated and leting the display handling the reverse link, two such links are now instanciated and managed, one per direction.
* When un-allocated from CIs, an IP is un-allocated from obsolete CIs as well.
* When a CI gets obsolete (or in-stock), its IPs are automatically removed from it.
* **DNS Zones**
* Management of IP addresses and zones are now linked: DNS records can be manually or automatically created or updated when an IP address is created or updated.
* **DNS Domains**
* Domains can now be delegated to other organizations, like what is done for subnet blocks.
* **Miscellaneous**
* Display of MAC Address attributes has been corrected.
* Hostmaster profile has now r/w access to IP Discovery applications
* Tab titles within details pages have been aligned with iTop standard where number of listed items is not indicated when null.
* Help URL (? at the top right of the page) now points to TeemIp's wiki.
===== 2.4.x =====
==== 2.4.1 ====
TeemIp 2.4.1 supports all the new features brought by iTop 2.6.1 and bugs that have been corrected within iTop 2.6.1.
iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=LATEST%3Arelease%3A2_6_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.4.1 standalone relies on iTop branch 2.6 as per **2019, April 12**.
This maintenance release doesn't bring any new pure TeemIp features but includes the many bug fixes and few new features included in iTop 2.6.1, as descibed in iTop's [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=2_6_0%3Arelease%3Achange_log#section261| change log]]. As a consequence, no new revision has been created for TeemIp as a module.
==== 2.4.0 ====
TeemIp 2.4.0 supports all the new features brought by iTop 2.6 and bugs that have been corrected within iTop 2.6.
iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=LATEST%3Arelease%3A2_6_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.4.0 standalone relies on iTop branch 2.6 as per **2019, February 08**.
* **IP Discovery** :-P
* This extension is now integrated in the Standalone version of TeemIp. Note that the IP Discovery collector still needs to be deployed on remote systems.
* Full documentation of IP Discovery is available [[extensions:teemip-ip-discovery|here]] on this wiki.
* **Zone Management** :-P
* TeemIp now offers you the possibility to manage DNS zones and views
* Manage standard DNS records: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SRV, TXT
* Link them to IP and CMDB objects
* Export DNS zones manually or throug TeemIp web services,
* Full documentation of TeemIp Zone Management is available [[extensions:teemip-zone-mgmt|here]] on this wiki.
* **IP Addresses**
* IP allocation has been improved so that IPs can be allocated to CIs that have one or more IP address attribute, whether this attribute is a foreign key to an IPAddress, an IPv4Addres or an IPv6Address.
* **IP Requests**
* IPv4 and IPv6 creation requests allows automatic attachment to any of the IP addresses of a CI that has IP address attributes
* This feature is available on TeemIp portal as well
* **Miscellaneous**
* Domain: all hosts and domains which name ends up with are displayed under that name
* Profiles have been reviewed:
* Configuration manager: r/w on Domains and IP Addresses only
* Hostmaster: r/w on all IP Objects and DNS Objects
* Hostmaster-DNS: r/w on DNS Objects and Views
===== 2.3.x =====
==== 2.3.1 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.3.1 supports all the new features brought by iTop 2.5.x and bugs that have been corrected within iTop 2.5.1.
iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=LATEST%3Arelease%3A2_5_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.3.1 standalone relies on iTop branch 2.5 as per **2018, November 02**.
* **Subnet Blocks**
* A few bugs have been corrected on the Find Space action
* Subnet mask was lost when subnet creation was displayed
* For IPv6 Blocks,
* Only subnets are proposed if mask > 64
* Subnets and blocks are proposed if mask = 64
* Only blocks are proposed if mask < 64
* **Subnets**
* Hidden configurations have been changed to accommodate the last revision of IP Discovery extension (0.2.0)
* **IP Addresses**
* A reserved, released or unassigned IP can now be directly allocated to a CI
* List of available CIs is filtered according to the instanciated classes of CIs that have one IP address attribute
* An allocated IP can be detached from the CI and interfaces it is allocated to
* **WEB Services**
* Version 1.1: You may now ask TeemIp to automatically provide you with a subnet in an IP Block through the standard REST/JSON interface of iTop.
* **Miscellaneous**
* OQL that filters locations that can be attached to WAN Links has been corrected
==== 2.3.0 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.3.0 supports all the new features brought by iTop 2.5.x and has been adapted to it, namely the new search tool.
iTop new features are documented [[https://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=LATEST%3Arelease%3A2_5_whats_new | here]]. TeemIp 2.3.0 standalone relies on iTop branch 2.5 as per **2018, August 29**.
* **Subnet Blocks**
* Handling of IPv6 blocks bigger than /64 has been corrected
* Find space action was broken. It has been fixed.
* **IP Addresses**
* When an IP is attached to a CI, the name of the CI is copied into the shortname of the IP. This behaviour can be enabled or disabled through configuration.
* **WEB Services** :-P
* Version 1.0: WEB services have been created. You may now get the number of registered IPs in a subnet and ask TeemIp to automatically provide you with an IP in a subnet or in an IP range through the standard REST/JSON interface of iTop.
* **IP Requests**
* /32 and /31 IPv4 subnets, /127 and /128 IPv6 subnets are now hidden to the requestor who needs to pick a subnet where to create its new IP from.
* **Miscellaneous**
* A new "Guest" profile with read only capabilities on the CMDB and IP space has been created.
* On a connectable CI, the list of IPs hosted by the CI's interfaces provides the name of the interface.
* Some functions that were not working with PHP 7.2 have been reworked to support that PHP version.
===== 2.2.x =====
==== 2.2.1 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.2.1 supports all the new features brought by iTop 2.4.x, namely the obsolescence and the archiving. TeemIp 2.2.1 standalone relies on iTop branch 2.4 as per **2018, April 13**.
* **Subnet Blocks**
* Undelegate action is no more visible if block has not been delegated
* Find space action is now working with x64 OS.
* /32s can be searched for in IPv4 Blocks
* GetBlockSize method is deprecated and should be replaced by GetSize
* **Subnets**
* Deletion of subnets where broadcast and subnet IPs were automatically managed was causing a fatal error: fixed
* **Miscellaneous**
* Module teemip-datacenter-mgmt-adaptor has been created. It adds IP addributes to classes defined there (Rack, Enclosures, PowerConnections...)
* Installation was not working on some x64 systems (see ticket #54): fixed.
* Class IPMgmtExtraMenus that implements iPopupMenuExtensiondetection has been reviewed to speed up display of nemus.
* Size of popup windows for IP object creation has been standardized: window for block creation was too narrow.
==== 2.2.0 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.2.0 supports all the new features brought by iTop 2.4.x, namely the obsolescence and the archiving. TeemIp 2.2.0 standalone relies on iTop branch 2.4 as per **2017, November 23**.
* **Subnets**
* Mask of IPv4 subnets can be as small as /32.
* Mask of IPv6 subnets are no longer set to /64 only. They can be selected within the /64 - /128 range.
* **IP Addresses**
* An IP address can be given to a Peripheral
* **Miscellaneous**
* IPv6 or IPv4 addresses can be directly created from the edition form of objects (server, IP phone...) that have an IP Address attribute.
* A new tab lists all IPs of all physical interfaces attached to a Connectable CI
* A new tab lists all IPs of all logical interfaces attached to a Virtual machine
* Subnet imports...
===== 2.1.x =====
==== 2.1.2 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.1.2 relies on iTop branch 2.3 as per **2017, July 28**.
* **Hidden features**
* New abstract class IPApplication has been created
* "List & Pick IPs" as well as "CSV Export IPs" functions have been adapted to support the future IP Discovery application.
* DisplayBareRelation of class IPv4Address has been modified so that it can be overloaded by a custom design.
* **Subnet Blocks**
* Next to the delegation options, Subnet Blocks can have now their delegation taken back.
* **Subnets**
* Output format of "CSV Export IPs" function has been aligned to iTop export feature.
* **IP Ranges**
* Output format of "CSV Export IPs" function has been aligned to iTop export feature.
* **Miscellaneous fixes**
* SourceForge bug #50 "some vulnerabilities" has been corrected.
* SourceForge bug #55 "PHP warning related to GetAsCSV" has been corrected.
==== 2.1.1 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.1.1 relies on iTop branch 2.3 as per **2016, December 19**.
* **Miscellaneous fixes**
* It was not possible to create IP related ticket from the portal. This has been corrected.
==== 2.1.0 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.1.0 relies on iTop latest 2.3.2 version (branch 2.3 as per **2016, November 25**) and therefore, benefits from all new features and all bug fixes of iTop's core modules that have been developped since iTop 2.0.3 !!
* **WAN Links**
* Locations for WAN links end points can now be locations attached to carriers organizations.
* **Domain Names**
* Display of domain names in tree format has been corrected.
* **Subnet Blocks**
* Two new configuration parameters have been added:
* Minimum size of IPv4 blocks can be reduced down to 1 !!
* Blocks can be delegated to organizations that don't have any parent / child relation.
* **Subnets**
* Gateway IPs can be changed if no specific format is imposed.
* **IP Ranges**
* When a new IP range is created, existing IPs that are part of the range are now automatically attached to it.
* **IP Addresses**
* Regression with the display of NATed IPs has been corrected.
* A new attributed called 'Aliases' has been added: you may now document multiple aliases with an IP.
* When allocationg an IP to a device, reserved IPs are not listed anymore.
* **Miscellaneous fixes**
* Few integration bugs with iTop 2.1 and 2.3 have been corrected
* A few dictionnary entries have been corrected.
* **End user devices**
* TeemIp now includes standard iTop End User devices. You may now register IPs for your Mobile Phones, IP Phones, PC, Printers and Tablets like any other IP devices.
===== 2.0.x =====
==== 2.0.2 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.0.2 relies on iTop latest 2.0.3 version (branch 2.0.3 as per **2015, March 1st**) and therefore, benefits from all new features and all bug fixes of iTop's core modules.
* **WAN Links**
* WAN link types are now typology elements and the "Type" attribute is selected through a combo box?
* Next to the attribute "Rate", you can now document a "Burst Rate" and an "Underlying Rate".
* The "Carrier" attribute is no longer a text field but a pointer to an Organisation. That should ease management of links provided by a given carrier.
* Next to the carrier reference, an internal reference can be documented.
* A new "Move to production date" can be registered.
* A new "Decommissioning date" attribute will tell you when your links has been obsoleted.
* **AS Numbers**
* "Registrar" of an AS number no longer is a text field but a pointer to an organization.
* **Domain Names**
* The "Internet Registrar" of a domain is no longer a text field but a pointer to an organization.
* **Subnet Blocks**
* An allocation date can now be registered for Blocks . This new attribute is automatically updated when object is created.
* Some autocompletion feature has been added to ease the handling of IPv6 addresses.
* **Subnets**
* An allocation date can now be registered for Subnets . This new attribute is automatically updated when object is created.
* Subnet calculator gives now the IP of the previous and next subnets (if any) of the same size.
* Some autocompletion feature has been added to ease the handling of IPv6 addresses.
* **IP Ranges**
* An allocation date can now be registered for Ranges . This new attribute is automatically updated when object is created.
* Some autocompletion feature has been added to ease the handling of IPv6 addresses.
* **IP Addresses**
* Contacts and documents can now be attached to an IP address
* **IP Objects**
* Allocation and release dates have been moved to abstract class IP Object. In order to ease the migration, a procedure is executed when the TeemIp is upgraded to move these 2 attributes from leave classes to the IP Object one.
* **IP Requests**
* When a request for a new IP is created (directly or through the portal), requestors may ask to attach the IP to a specific device. If the IP is a management IP, device's attribute is automatically updated. If it is part of a physical or logical interface attached to the device, it remains up to the agent handling the ticket to create the interface.
* Contact tab now appears in the detail of an IP ticket.
* On the portal, the list of attributes of the search filter has been extended.
* **Miscellaneous fixes**
* Creating a delegated block directly from the block creation page was displaying a fatal error window, though the delegated block was created.
* Calculation of CIDR alignement for subnets was not working well.
* Display of CSV IPs within subnets and ranges was not working anymore due to an obsolete IP address attribute.
* Automatic calculation of IP range when new IP is created has been fixed.
==== 2.0.1 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.0.1 dated **2014, May the 26th** relies on iTop 2.0.2 version and therefore, benefits from all new features and all bug fixes of iTop's core modules.
* **VRFs**
* A new functional CI has been brought to TeemIp. As part of the Network group of the Configuration Management module, it allows you to document the VRFs (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) used within your organizations. For each of them, you may document:
* its name, organization and provide a description
* the route distinguisher and the route target
* the list of subnets and physical interfaces attached to that VRF
* **WAN links**
* Attribute "Type" is now visible in the Detail menu.
* A new attribute "Rate" allows you to register date rate of the link.
* **IP Addresses**
* Allocation date can now be registered for IPs. This new attribute is automatically updated when status of the IP address moves into "allocated" state.
* **Search and filter on IP lists**
* The search menu is now displayed at the top of each list of IP objects (blocks, subnets, ranges and addresses). This allows you to filter and restrict the content of a list.
* **Miscellaneous fixes**
* IPv6 CIDR calculation for blocks and subnet was not working on 64 bits servers.
* Display of Domain trees was resulting in an application error.
==== 2.0 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 2.0 dated **2014, April 21st** relies on iTop 2.0.2 version and therefore, benefits from all new features and all bug fixes of iTop's core modules.
* **Delegation of Subnet blocks**
* Blocks (v4 or v6) can now be delegated from an organization to a child organization. This can be done when the IP block is created or later on, during its lifecycle. Delegated blocks belong to the child organization and appear at the top of the child organization's IP plan.
The way IPs can be attached to CIs have been fully reviewed and enhanced. From now on:
* **IPs / CIs linkage**
* IPs may be attached to IP Interfaces, Virtual Machines (VMs) or Datacenter Devices (DDs).
* IPs don't have any external key to CIs that may host IPs
* A new tab is listing the CIs that an IP is attached to.
* Attachement of an IP to a CI is done from the CI creation or modification menus.
* The same IP can be attached to multiple IP Interfaces (case of an HSRP IP)
* An IP Interface can be attached to multiple IPs
* VMs and DDs are pointing to 1 IP at the most
* A new status has been created: unassigned
* IP status is automatically managed.
* **Miscellaneous fixes**
* Display of notification screen of the Admin tab was broken
* Reconciliation keys were missing on some abstract classes Localization
* **IPv6 capability**
* The main noticeable feature that has been included within the 2.0-beta version is certainly the IPv6 capabilities: IPv6 blocks, IPv6 subnets, IPv6 ranges and IPv6 addresses can now be created and managed within TeemIp.
* The same functions that were available to manage IPv4 space are available as well to manage IPv6 space:
* split, shrink, expand blocks (note that, in IPv6, subnets have a set size of /64 that cannot be changed).
* list & pick IPs, find space and export contents.
* IP attributes of CMDB objects (like the management IP of Network Devices) can point to both IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
* **IP Management**
* Minimum size of subnet blocks can be defined by administrator.
* A subnet calculator has been integrated to the tool. It is available from the subnet (v4 or v6) menus.
* Subnets can be attached to the new VLAN objects that are now part of iTop CMDB.
* Subnets become and attribute of IP addresses
* Gateway IP with predefined setup (IP subnet + 1, broadcast IP - 1, free allocation) is a new attribute of subnets.
* Typology for IP ranges exists next to typology for IP addresses.
* IP typologies have been grouped in the Data administration module, under Typology configuration.
* Default IP setups have been moved into the Data adminstration module too.
* Fully qualified domain names registered with IPs are relying on the new DNS domains objects.
* MAC addresses are not attributes of IP addresses anymore but attributes of IP interfaces only.
A module dedicated to network management has been added. It contains objects that were already present in iTop 2.0.1 (IP interfaces) or in latest iTop 2.0.2 version (VLANs) as well as new objects;
* **Network Management**
* DNS domains
* to align the FQDNs used within an organisation to the domain space of that organisation
* for an easier administration of DNS assets purchased to an Internet Registrar
* WAN links to manage carriers and lines between sites.
* AS numbers to centralise in TeemIp administration of all network related assets.
* **Relations with CMDB objects**
* All IP addresses of CMDB objects are pointers to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses that do exist as objects in the data base.
* IP addresses can be attached to physical or virtual interfaces.
* Subnet and mask informations have been removed from all CMDB objects as these are attributes of the subnet that the object's IP belongs to.
* **Portal**
* TeemIp portal supports IPv6 objects: IP addresses and subnets, IPv4 or IPv6, can now be managed through that interface.
* Portal look and feel has been improved, in alignement to what has been done on iTop's portal.
* Users can provide a comment when closing their request.
* **Helpdesk**
* Features of Helpdesk and Change Management modules of TeemIp 1.0.1 have been merged into a single HelpDesk module. Goal of that modification is to simplify the management of the user requests made through the portal.
* Automatic creation of IPs and subnets is still available
* Both IPv6 and IPv4 address or subnets can be managed through the helpdesk.
* A new parameter can be used to offset the creation of IPs within a subnet.
* IPv4 and IPv6 offsets can be different.
* Resolved request can now be reopen
* **Installation**
* All files and directories used within TeemIp standalone are now the same as the ones used within TeemIp as a module.
* **Data Model**
* TeemIp 2.0 data model has been significantly changed compared to TeemIp 1.x branch. In 1.x, IPv4 classes (addresse, ranges...) where all deriving from the same generic IPv4Object class. In 2.0, v4 and v6 class of a same type (like IPv4Subnet and IPv6Subnet) derive from a generic type class (IPSubnet) who all derive from the top level IPObject class.
===== 1.0.x =====
==== 1.0.1 ====
Next to its own enhancements, TeemIp 1.0.1 dated **2013, July 29th** relies on iTop and therefore, benefits from all new features and all bug fixes of iTop's core modules.
* **Miscellaneous fixes**
* Corrects a bug related to the usage of a function that is not supported by the core of the product anymore (DBUpdateTracked_Internal)
* Modifies the way subnet gateways are calculated. These can, now, be the 1st IP of the subnet, the before last IP of the subnet (before the broadcast IP) or freely defined by the user.
* Defines the minimum size of subnet blocks to 8 IPs. IPv4 space becoming a scarce resource, registrars do allocate now very small chunk of IPv4 as small as 8 IPs.
* Implements all new bug corrections and features embedded within iTop 2.0.1.