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Network Management Extended

Network management extended
Provides advanced classes and solutions for network management
English, French
CMDB, Network
teemip-ip-mgmt, teemip-network-mgmt, teemip-config-mgmt-adaptor

This extension adds to TeemIp data model a few advanced classes dedicated to the network world.

This module is embedded by default in TeemIp standalone. It can be deployed as an extension with TeemIp as a module.

Revision History

Version Release Date Status iTop
IPAM for iTop
3.1.3 2024-06-26 Supported 3.1.0 3.1.0 - Add a logo attribute to the Brand typology
- Add a picture attribute to the Model typology
- Add bandwidth, next to capacity, to Network Flows
3.1.2 2023-12-14 Supported 3.1.0 3.1.0 - Add Chinese (simplified) translation
- Data samples have been added
3.1.1 2023-09-13 Obsolete 3.1.0 3.1.0 - Add a “replacement date” attribute to Network Devices and Cluster Networks
- Add Network Flow class with flaw drawing
- Add SNMP Credentials class
3.1.0 2023-06-21 Obsolete 3.0.0 3.1.0 - Location and organization fields inherited from Device have been added to Aggregate links
- Some objects have been redispatched to Overview / Networking menu
- XML structure has moved to 3x
3.0.1 2022-09-09 Obsolete 2.7.0 3.0.1 - Adopt 3.x icon style
- Add TeemIp core modules as a dependency
3.0.0 2022-01-11 Obsolete 2.7.0 3.0.0 - TeemIp / iTop 3.x compatible version
- Status of IPs is now handled when attached to or detached from a Network Cluster
1.1.0 2021-04-01 Obsolete 2.7.0 2.7.0 - Sample data have been added to the extension.
- VLAN model has been enhanced with new attributes
- Tag is now an integer: beware when migrating !
- Align extension structure with new guidelines
1.0.0 2020-12-11 Obsolete 2.7.0 2.7.0 - Initial revision


With TeemIp Network Management Extended:

  • Group interfaces together through Aggregate Links,
  • Manage high availability, high performance or load balancing clusters,
  • Add components like power supplies, management boards… to network devices,
  • Use topological object to manage speeds, layer 2 protocols and connectors on your IP Interfaces.


The TeemIp Network Management Extended extension is licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify TeemIp Network Management Extended under certain conditions. Read the ’license.txt’ file in the TeemIp distribution. TeemIp Network Management Extended is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


There is no specific limitations with that extension.


There is no specific requirement with that extension. TeemIp Network Management Extended is anyway already embedded in TeemIp standalone starting with TeemIp 2.7.

When installed on an iTop application, make sure that IPAM for iTop is installed as well.


Installation on a TeemIp standalone is done with the application itself, through the setup.

When adding the module on an iTop application, follow the Standard installation process.


No specific configuration is required in TeemIp's configuration file or in IP configs for that extension.

Should you need to group several physical interfaces on your network device to model trunking in the HP world or Ether Channel in the Cisco one, the Aggregate Link class will allow you to do so.

Name Type Mandatory?
General Information
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
MAC address Formated alphanumeric string No
Protocol Foreign key to a(n) Layer 2 Protocol No
Status Possible values: Active, Inactive No
Device Foreign key to a(n) Network Device Yes
Device→Location Field of Device N/A
Device→Organization Field of Device N/A
Peer aggregate Foreign key to a(n) peer aggregate No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Physical interfaces All the physical interfaces that make the aggregate

In the Overview menu of the Configuration Management module, find the Network group and the Aggregate Link dashlet within that group. Click on it and select the item you are interested in:

TeemIp will handle the relation with a peer aggregate like a 1:1 relation. When the link is set on one Aggregate Link, it is automatically set on the other side and when it is removed, it is automatically removed from the other side as well.

Cluster Network

This class allows you to group network devices together to create a high availability, high performance or load balancing cluster.

Cluster Network Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
General Information
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: Implementation, Production No
Business criticality Possible values: Low, Medium, High No
More Information
Type Possible values: High availability, High performance, Load balancing No
Mode Possible values: Active / Active, Active / Passive, Active / Standby No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Replacement date Date (year-month-day) No
Other information
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contacts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Application solutions All the application solutions for this configuration item
Nodes List of all network devices within the cluster (1)
IP Addresses List of all IP addresses used by the cluster
Devices List of all the devices connected to this cluster network (2)
  • (1) The role (Ative or Standby) that appears on the link between a node and the cluster is defined at the node side.
  • (2) This list is actually automatically computed from the list of CIs connected to each of the nodes of the cluster. The list doesn't check if the CIs are connected to each of the nodes. This is however what TeemIp considers for its impact analysis.

Creating a new Cluster Network

Click on the “New CI” menu, then select “Cluster Network” in the form below:

And click “Apply” to display the Cluster Network creation form:

When listing the nodes, redundancy parameters can be set so that impact analysis can take availability of all cluster members into consideration.

The extension changes a bit the way impact analysis on network devices is done. If a network device belongs to a cluster, then the CIs attached to it will not be directly impacted by it any more but through the cluster. This is what highlights the picture below.

Network Device Component

Network devices may be made of different components: power supplies, management board… That class allow you to register them in TeemIp's CMDB.

Network Device Component Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
General Information
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: Implementation, Obsolete, Production, Stock No
Business criticality Possible values: Low, Medium; High No
Location Foreign key to a(n) Location No
Network Device Foreign key to a(n) Network Device No
More Information
Brand Foreign key to a(n) Brand No
Model Foreign key to a(n) Model No
Serial number Alphanumeric string No
Asset number Alphanumeric string No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Purchase date Date (year-month-day) No
End of warranty Date (year-month-day) No
Other information
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contacts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item

Displaying a Network Device Component

In the Overview menu of the Configuration Management module, find the Network Device Component dashlet, click on it and select the item you are interested in:

Network Device

This class of CIs is brought by iTop CMDB. It models any type of network device: router, switch, hub, load balancer, firewall… TeemIp Network Management Extended enriches it with additional attributes and relations as shown below.

Network Device additional Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
General Information
Cluster network Foreign key to a(n) Cluster Network No
Cluster role Possible values: Active, Standby No
More Information
SNMP Credentials Foreign key to a(n) SNMP Credentials No
Replacement date Date (year-month-day) No


Tab Description
Components List of all network device components attached to this device
Aggregat links List of all aggregate links attached to this device

Displaying a Network Device

In the Overview menu of the Configuration Management module, find the Network Device dashlet, click on it and select the item you are interested in:

Network Flow

Network Flows will help you to document the key flows that go through your network and to visualize them in a diagram.

Network Flow Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
General Information
Common Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: Implementation, Obsolete, Production No
Business criticality Possible values: Low, Medium; High No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No
Flow Details
Protocol Possible values: UDP, TCP, UDP/TCP, Other No
Source CI Foreign key to a(n) FunctionalCI No
Source port Alphanumeric string No
Destination CI Foreign key to a(n) FunctionalCI No
Destination port Alphanumeric string No
Capacity Foreign key to a(n) Flow Capacity No
Bandwidth Foreign key to a(n) Interface Speed No
  • Name of the object is automatically computed as the concatenation of Protocol - Name of the Source CI / Source port - Name of the Destination CI / Destination port.
  • Capacity should be seen as how big the packets or bursts can be.
Access to this class of objects is protected by the Network Security Manager profile.

Displaying a Network Flow

In the Network dashboard that is accessible from a submenu of the standard CMDB overview menu, find the Network Flow dashlet, click on it and select the item you are interested in:

Outgoing Flow

Once network flows between CIs are documented, the logical path that connects them all can be visualized through the menu Outgoing Flow… displayed under the Other Actions menu of Network Flow or Functional CI (see above).

Only outgoing flows, i.e. flows from a source CI to a destination CI can be documented. Incoming flows cannot be drawn.


TeemIp Network Management Extended alters and enhances the Virtual LAN class properties but leaves the tabs unchanged.

VLAN Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Tag Integer Yes
Name Alphanumeric string No
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: Reserved, Unused, Used No
Type Possible values: MAC address based, Network based, Port based, Protocol based No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Subnets Subnets (v4 or v6) which are part of this VLAN
Physical network interfaces Physical interfaces which are part of this VLAN
Logical network interfaces Logical interfaces which are part of this VLAN
Interfaces' IPs IPs of all logical and physical interfaces attached to the VLAN
DHCP Options Shared Network DHCP Option pointing to the VLAN (1)

Displaying a VLAN

In the Overview menu of the Configuration Management module, find the Network group, click on it and select the item you are interested in the list:

When migrating from version 1.0.0, the extension will copy the old 'VLAN tag' attribute in the name and will preset the tag to '0'. A CSV export / import needs to be done in order to correct the VLAN's name and set the proper Tag value.

SNMP Credentials

This class allows you to document the different SNMP credentials that are used within your organization.

SNMP Credentials Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
General Information
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Description Multiline character string No
SNMP V1 / V2c
Community Alphanumeric string (*)
Security level Possible values: None, NoAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPrivAuthPriv No
Security name Alphanumeric string (*)
Authentication protocol Possible values: MD5, SHA (*)
Authentication passphrase Encrypted alphanumeric string (*)
Privacy Protocol Possible values: DES, AES (*)
Privacy Passphrase Encrypted alphanumeric string (*)
Context name Alphanumeric string No

(*) The mandatory nature of the attribute actually depends on the Security level value. See below.


Tab Description
Devices List of all the devices using these credentials
Access to this class of objects is protected by the Network Security Manager profile.

Creating new SNMP Credentials

From the listing view or from any create action of a SNMP Credentials badge, click on the Edit icon to display the creation form.

According to the selected value for the Security level, the attributes that are relevant for this level become mandatory :

Security level Attributes Comment
None Community Basic SNMP V1 / V2C
NoAuthNoPriv Security name Basic SNMP V3
AuthNoPriv Security name
Authentication protocol, Authentication passphrase
SNMP V3 with authentication only
AuthPriv Security name
Authentication protocol, Authentication passphrase
Privacy protocol, Privacy passphrase
SNMP V3 with authentication and privacy

Typology Elements

The extension enhances the Brand and Model typological elements and brings four new ones.


A logo attribute is added to the class and is also used as image attribute, which ease the search of a Brand in a list.


A picture attribute is added to the class and is also used as image_attribute.

Additional elements

These four elements are:

Name Description Attributes Example
Interface Speed Speed available on a network interface Name, Description, List of network interfaces using it 10 Gb/s
Layer 2 Protocol Layer 2 protocol used on a network interface Name, Description, List of network interfaces using it Ethernet, Trunking
Interface Connector Physical connector used on a physical interface Name, Description, List of physical interfaces using it RJ45
Flow Capacity Capacity provided by a network Flow Name, Description, List of Network Flows using it 256 Mb/s

The extension groups network specific typological elements in a dedicated dashlet.

These typological elements change the different interfaces as follows:

Logical Interface

  • Speed attribute (string) is replaced by a foreign key toward a Interface Speed,
  • Foreign key toward Layer 2 Protocol is added

Network Device Virtual Interface

  • Speed attribute (string) is replaced by a foreign key toward a Interface Speed,
  • Foreign key toward Layer 2 Protocol is added

Physical Interface

  • Speed attribute (string) is replaced by a foreign key toward a Interface Speed,
  • Foreign key toward Layer 2 Protocol is added
  • Foreign key toward Connector is added

Note that the extension adds as well a foreign key toward an Aggregate Link.

Network Security Manager profile

Next to the CIs described here above, the extension brings a new User Profile: Network Security Manager which enables R/W access to Flow capacity, Network flow and SNMP Credentials objects. All persons in charge of network security should endorse this profile.

Not that the profile mus be used in conjunction with Configuration Manager profile.
extensions/teemip-network-mgmt-extended.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/12 16:27 by cnaud